August 2, 2010
This past weekend I had the honor of attending and photographing my grandmother’s 100th birthday celebration. Magee, as she has been so affectionately called all these years, started by Mr. Brian Gnatt, since Grandmother was just not special enough, was in all her glory. My brother and I had gone to visit her just as recently as a few weeks ago and she still could not say the words one hundred. But amongst her closest family and friends, she finally admitted it: She has made it to 100. She got a standing ovation for that. Made my day.
She never really answers the question: what is your secret to living to be 100? She freely admits she does not listen to many things the doctors tell her that she needs to do daily. They tell her to check her blood pressure and Magee says what do I need to know that for? She does still drink wine spritzers… Which makes me happy. I think that one of the reasons she is still here with is because of the life she has led. She seems to be not scared of anything. She is jocund, radiant and incredibly confident. And while her and I have our differences, often, I admire her for those qualities.
The celebration was held at Tragara Ristorante in Bethesda, MD and was put together by her children and their spouses. There was a live band, incredible cake, and lots of love. Enjoy the photos!
100 – and serenading us.
Dylan is the great-great granddaughter to Magee. She is such a cutie!
The band played the horah. Always good fun.
Saturday was Melanie’s birthday, she even got a pretty cake too. But that was already completely eaten before I could get a chance to take a picture of it.
See, Michelle, this is a good one!
The Twins!
I love this photo of Sharon and Nat.
Sharon inherited much of the performing qualities her mother has – she and her husband Nat live in California and have a band called American Made.
Happy 100th Birthday, Magee!
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