November 15, 2010
Every once in awhile I get a tad philosophical and nutty. When I was looking over these photos of Janice, Brandon and their two boys I could not help but think that paths cross for a certain reason. I can’t help but honestly think that at specific times we need each other for specific reasons. Like is so true with some of my friends from college, people come in and out of our lives all the time. A lot of friendships ebb and flow, but for whatever reason and whatever amount of time your paths are crossed for a reason.
Earlier this year on a trip to Houston I rented a car and drove out to Austin to see Janice, a good friend from college. I feel like I have written this post already considering I have talked about Janice a bunch on this blog. But I digress. I made the 3 hours, coughcough2.25hoursbecauseIdrivereallyfastcough trip there because I just wanted to see her. I had been in a funk for months and not sure I liked certain things about my life then and I, for some reason after 3 years of not seeing her, needed to cross paths with this girl again. It wasn’t until I got there that I really understood why. Not only is Janice one of the nicest people you will ever meet, but she is just magnetic. And she has this life that I truly want to have and for some reason I needed to see it to really know that is what I want. I’m so glad that is so clear to me now.
Janice, you did more for me than you will ever know. I’m so glad I was able to snag a few shots of you all at Lacey’s wedding.
In order to get he boys to smile they had to keep rocking back and forth – pretty awesome.
I heart this little life you all are creating.
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