January 25, 2016
In all honesty, I thought these two were a little nuts when we had planned their engagement session for what was going to be the coldest day of the winter so far. With no emails canceling, and me thinking man, these peeps are hardcore, I stuffed myself into two pairs of pants, the only coat I own that zips, a nonsense scarf and the best purchase ever made in all of Iceland – Icelandic gloves (you can ask Matt, they are nuts warm) and made my way to Fed Hill. The wind was blowing so hard, I had literal streams of tears running down my face and it was 18 degrees. These two were nuts brave and got right in front of the camera, laughing over the ridiculousness of it all. After leaving Fed Hill, the wind was much better and we were able to just take the usual breaks to warm up and resume my normal chit chat I like to make. Libby and Matt have such an ease about them, their smiles were not only beautiful but meaningful, they were so cute to have cuddle to keep each other warm while I shot away. I truly hope that on all the cold days that lie ahead they are able to remember the warmth they felt this day…even if it wasn’t until after the shoot when they were comfortably in a bar, drinking a beer. I truly cannot wait for their October wedding which no doubt will be the warmest day in all of October!
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